Bible Verses and Inspirational Sayings.

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Bible Verses and Inspirational Sayings.

Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:29 pm

Hello! Welcome to the Bible verses thread!
A place where we can share bible verses, inspiring quotes, sayings, and our thoughts or points of view about them.

I often come across bible verses or hear them and sometimes some just stand out to me.
I love to share verses which are on my mind or have left impressions on me, and I'm hoping you do too. ^^

Bible verse are inspiring, they give us realization, they awaken us, they can bring us to truth, they help us discern good from evil to protect us, but most of all God speaks to us through them if we let him.
So, to begin here are a few bible verses which I enjoy and I hope you enjoy too.

1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

The Armor of God
Ephesians 6:10-18

10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all.

The 6 pieces of armor :

Belt of truth ( loins girt about with truth)
Breastplate of righteousness
Shoes of peace (feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace)
Shield of faith
Helmet of salvation
Sword of the spirit, which is God's word.

And prayer to keep your armor strong and invincible.

J : Jesus first
O: Others second
Y : Yourself last.

Luke 10:25-28
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,â€
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Postby TheMewster » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:45 pm

Grace: God's Redemption At Christ's Expense.

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13 WEB)
So the poor has hope, and injustice shuts her mouth. ~Job 5:16 WEB~
For you are my hope, Lord Yahweh; my confidence from my youth. ~Psalm 71:5 WEB~
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:40 am

Look at my signature. My favorite verse is there.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Gigavine » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:42 pm

Jude XXV:

To God Our Savior
Who Alone is Wise
Be Glory and Majesty
Dominion and Power
Both Now and Forever

I love the book of Jude.
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Postby alma » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:59 pm

Philipians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever things are true,
whatever things are honorable,
whatever things are just,
whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely,
whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise,
think about these things.
"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."John 17:3 (NASB)
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”John 13:35
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Postby TheMewster » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:12 am

Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. (That's something I came up with.)


Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:6-10 KJV)
So the poor has hope, and injustice shuts her mouth. ~Job 5:16 WEB~
For you are my hope, Lord Yahweh; my confidence from my youth. ~Psalm 71:5 WEB~
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Postby AnimeGirl » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:01 pm

Psalm 147:3 (it's in my signature in bold letters, and I don't intend to remove it). This verse I consider my life verse, the verse that seems to always keep me going. I think everyone has that one verse that strikes them personally out of all the thousands upon thousands in the Bible, and for me, it's this one. It always reminds me that when we're hurting, God is there to heal us!
"For what use is there in praying if you will only hear what you want to hear." - As I Lay Dying *The Sound Of Truth*

Let's make an AMV together!

Kokoro no Uta The thoughts of an aspiring mangaka (yeah...this is my blog >.>)

Ooh look! I have fanfiction! YAY!!!!!!!
If you like Tsubasa and Cardcaptors, then you might like what I've written (if I didn't slaughter the series... XD)

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds - Pslam 147:3
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Postby seaglass27 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:18 pm

"There is only one serious matter to be considered in life, and that is death."

"Mankind will not be perfect until it can create and destroy like God. It can already destroy: that is half the battle."

Both by Alexandre Dumas.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:12 pm

One that really matters to me:

Luke 17:21 "Nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:03 am

I got some more sayings!~ XD
(Note: some of you may recognize some of them.)

"He gave me life, he saved my live, so I owe him my life."

"If it stops the flow, let it go."

"Perfect love casts out fear, Jesus casts out fear."

"A Christian has no right being in a fight unless it's a spiritual fight."

"His voice leads us not into timid discipleship but into bold witness."

"We are either in the process of resisting God's truth or in the process of being shaped and molded by his truth."

And here's an extra one which might be a bit creepy lol. xD
(read it in a slow creepy voice.)
"It's God's way, or the high way, the high way to hell."

And a bible verse! :D
John 14:5-6
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

That's all for now! XD
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:04 pm

Ok, I got a few more sayings! You may of heard me say them in other places already, but that's because I love these quotes! XD

Anyways, here they are!....

"Sometimes, we don't need to tell God how big the problem is, we need to tell the problem how big God is."

"Jesus already beat satan at the cross, so I know he can beat satan in my life."

"If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it."
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:39 pm

A mix matched quote inspired by bible verses, life, and keeping focus on the Lord.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][SIZE="3"]"The Truth Will Set You Free
The Joy Of The Lord Will Be Your Strength."[/SIZE][/color]

Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:45 pm

[SIZE="3"]Bible verses [/SIZE]

Matthew 25
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,
36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’
37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

James 2:18-20
18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.â€
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Adorima » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:00 pm ~ Ephesians 3:20 by Kitchie Nadal. Very pretty. Thought you guys might like.

Deuteronomy 30
Mercy for the repentant

1 "When all these things which I have set before you, the blessings and te curses , are fulfilled in you, and from among whatever nations the LORD your God, may have dispersed you, you ponder them in your heart:2 then, provided that you and your children return to the LORD your God, and heed his voice with all your heart and all your soul, just as I now command you, 3 the Lord, your God will change your LORD your God will change your lot ; and taking pity on you, he will again gather you from all the nations whereinhe has scattered you. 4 Though you may have been driven to the farthest corner of the world, even from there will the LORD your God, gather you; even from there will he bring you back. 5 The LORD your God, will then bring you into the land which your fathers once occupied that you too may occupy it, and he will make you more prosperous and numberous than your fathers. 6 The LORD, your God, will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, that you may love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and all your soul, and so may live. 7 But all those curses The LORD, your God, will assign to your enemies and the foes who persecuted you. 8 You, however, must again heed the LORD's voice and carry out all his commandments which I enjoin upon you now 9 Then the LORD, your God, will increase i nmore than goodly measure the returns from all your labors, the fruit of your womb, the offspring of your livestock, and the produce of your soil; for the LORD, your God, will again take delight in your prosperity, even as he took delight in your fathers, 10 if only you heed the voice of the LORD, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this book of the law, when you return to the LORD, your God with all your heart and soul.

God's Command is Clear

11 The command that I am giving you today is not too mysterious or remote for you. 12 It is not up in the sky, that you shoudl say, 'who will go up in the sky to get it for us and tell us of it, that we may cary it out? 13 Nor is it across the sea, that you should say, ' Who will cross the sea to get it for us and and tell us of it, taht we may carry it out?; 14 'No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.

The Choice before Israel

15 Here, then, I have today set before you life and prosperity, death and doom. 16 IF you obey the commandments of the LORD, your God, which I enjoin upon you today, loving him, and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees, you will live and grow numberous, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to occupy. 17 If, however, you turn away your hearts and will not listen, but are led astray and adore and serve other gods, 18 I tell you now that you will certainly perish; you will not have a long life on the land which you are crossing the Jordan to enter and occupy. 19 I call hevean ad earth today to witness against you. I have set before you life and death blessing and curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, 20 by loving the LORD, your God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you, a long life for you to live on the land which the LORD swore he would give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."
[font="Book Antiqua"][/font][SIZE="1"][/SIZE]I embroidered the words Memento Vivere in the same beautiful script that once had read ' Memento Mori' across my daddy's hands. I know I will die, so I must remember to live.

~ Maranatha Pearl
Daughter of the Commander


Jesus I Trust in You!

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Postby PsylentProtag » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:06 pm

I like this topic...When I'm having a bad day, I often search for inspirational quotes...

[color="Yellow"]Psalm 34:18
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those crushed in spirit[/color] (my favorite Bible verse)

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

When the heart weeps for what is lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found.
- Sufi Aphorism

No matter how steep the mountain - the Lord is going to climb it with you.
- Helen Steiner Rice

"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
- Unknown
[color="Yellow"]The[/color] [color="DeepSkyBlue"]LORD[/color] [color="Yellow"]is near to the[/color] [color="Red"]brokenhearted[/color] [color="Yellow"]and saves those who are[/color] [color="red"]crushed[/color] [color="Yellow"]in spirit[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]- Psalm 34:18[/color]

"Having OCD is like being allergic to life - every waking moment is spent in a state of mental hyper-sensitivity."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:56 pm

PsylentProtag (post: 1542846) wrote:"If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."

My Mom is always quoting that to me! (She's who I got it from.) I don't know where she got it but she's always saying that during troubling times. That's so cool how someone else is fond of that saying. And the rest of the quote is cool too. ^^
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby PsylentProtag » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:54 am

Cc4FuzzyHuggles (post: 1542892) wrote:My Mom is always quoting that to me! (She's who I got it from.) I don't know where she got it but she's always saying that during troubling times. That's so cool how someone else is fond of that saying. And the rest of the quote is cool too. ^^

It's definitely helped me through some tough times in my life, that's for sure :)
[color="Yellow"]The[/color] [color="DeepSkyBlue"]LORD[/color] [color="Yellow"]is near to the[/color] [color="Red"]brokenhearted[/color] [color="Yellow"]and saves those who are[/color] [color="red"]crushed[/color] [color="Yellow"]in spirit[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]- Psalm 34:18[/color]

"Having OCD is like being allergic to life - every waking moment is spent in a state of mental hyper-sensitivity."
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Postby love2cookpie » Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:52 pm

You can forgive another, not because they deserve it, but because God commands us to, and He deserves it.
"We do not have a soul, we are a soul, we have a body"- C.S. Lewis
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Postby SierraLea » Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:56 pm

These are from my favorite saint of all time, St. Thomas Aquinas
"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious."

"How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God."

"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:50 pm

Here's something I just came across. ^^

B= Be
I = Informed
B = Before
L = Leaving
E = Earth

Be Informed Before Leaving Earth [B.I.B.L.E]
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:39 am

Here is a famous quote I often hear,

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything."

And it reminds me of these bible verses.....

James 1:26
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.

Proverbs 17:28
Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding/intelligence/prudent.

Proverbs 15:1
A soft/gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

James 1:19-20
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

God has many lessons to teach me, all I can ask is that he guides me and gives me the strength to do what is right. There is a time and place for everything, but sometimes silence and prayer is all that God wants from me. :)
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:25 am

Isaiah 55:10-11
10 "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

When we share God's word it will not come back void. :)
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby SierraLea » Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:20 pm

Cc4FuzzyHuggles (post: 1545737) wrote:Here's something I just came across. ^^

B= Be
I = Informed
B = Before
L = Leaving
E = Earth

Be Informed Before Leaving Earth [B.I.B.L.E]

I heard something similar Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:54 pm

Cool! :D
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby SailorDove » Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:28 am

"It is written,

"Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you."

"And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.'"

"The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing of."

A quote from Kokoro, "They say that 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.' So just give him a carrot or a cube of sugar and tell the horsey you love him anyway."
Naruto Fanfic: Kokoro of Konoha by Sailor Dove

What is the power of the weak and the weakness of power?

What would the butterfly effects be with an OC with no chakra or ninja inclinations but a coveted special sensing ability? But that's not her only closely guarded secret. Psst, don't tell the hyper blond boy she hates ramen.
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Postby V e e b i s h » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:29 pm

My quote: Just because others reject you, doesn't mean that Jesus will.
Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. -Palms 148:8
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Postby PsylentProtag » Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:08 pm

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

I don't understand why God loves us since we definitely don't deserve it. But I'm so happy that He does :)
[color="Yellow"]The[/color] [color="DeepSkyBlue"]LORD[/color] [color="Yellow"]is near to the[/color] [color="Red"]brokenhearted[/color] [color="Yellow"]and saves those who are[/color] [color="red"]crushed[/color] [color="Yellow"]in spirit[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]- Psalm 34:18[/color]

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Postby ABlipinTime » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:02 pm

First - thank you very much Cc for keeping this thread going!

Second - A verse I memorized from 1 John:

This is the message we heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and the truth is not in us. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
- God is always with us, especially when we feel most alone.
Htom Sirveaux (post: 1435089) - "We should all start speaking telepathically."
Midori (post: 1457302) "Sometimes, if I try hard, I can speak in English."
(post: 1481465) "Overthinking is an art."
Goldenspines - "Fighting the bad guys and rescuing princesses from trolls and all that. "
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Postby Cc4FuzzyHuggles » Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:50 pm

I love that verse ABlipinTime! Ty sooooo much for sharing it on here! :)

Only of recently have I been going to the book of John and just trying to hear God's word more often and really hear it. And I'm absolutely overwhelmed by how wonderful the bible truly is as I keep getting to know it more. <3
Luke 10:25-27 Mark 12:28-34 Matthew 22 Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Deuteronomy 10:12
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”
No one is perfect, but by one prayer at a time, and one step at a time, God can make our paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."
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Postby anlptgtsg » Thu May 03, 2012 3:25 pm

I recently started memorizing the bible verses that struck me as I read the bible. As of now I kind of memorize at least 26 verses. I/m not sure if I should post all. So here are some:

Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

Psalm 119:111 Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.

Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of your word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

Psalm 147:11 The Lord's delight are in those who fear him; who put their hope trust in his unfailing love.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 10:29 The way of the Lord gives refuge to the righteous; but it is the ruin of those who do evil.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do. And your plans will succeed.

Maybe I will post the others some other time.:dizzy:
Proverbs 16:6 Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.

John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.â€
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