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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:31 pm
by Hephzibah
Clickity was actually a serious consideration in my mind too. ^^

we can have Clickity as our catch-phrase! :grin: or maybe it can be somewhere in the site's adress.

as for Christian lyrics... I say yes! There are great Christian songs out there with awesome lyrics! PWEEEAAASE Myrrh!
*puppy eyes*

O, btw, shall we start asking the people for permission now?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:22 am
by nightblade
Where could I find a tutorial on making wallpapers? I'd love to, but I have no idea where to even start >_>;;

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:41 am
by Hephzibah
Here is a great site that helped me make my first one, even though it uses Photoshop:
;) great site that :grin:

What type of program do you use? If its Paintshop Pro, I know of a really good site that has tonnes of brushes! :D yay for brushes!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:31 am
by nightblade
Either GIMP or Photoshop 6/7

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:28 pm
by MyrrhLynn
Ashley wrote: Quick Question, Myrrh: Shall we also accept work with lyrics from Christian songs, or do you want this strictly bible verses?

Oh I hadn't even thought of that.... hummm I don't see why not. But you're the one in charge of Sanctus Lux so you can make the final decision. ]
Here is a great site that helped me make my first one, even though it uses Photoshop:
My site helped you? o_O How exactly did it help if you don't mind me asking?

Oh and nightblade if you have access to Photoshop 7 then that is the program you should be using. If you want brushes I suggest you go to my site as Talame suggested an then go to the "credits" section. I have a whole list of sites where I got brushes from.

Here's some sites with good photoshop tutorials:

Acutally I'm pretty sure there is a Photoshop tutorial thread in the Tutorials section on here. :) Go and check it out! :thumb:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:08 pm
by Hephzibah
My site helped you? o_O How exactly did it help if you don't mind me asking?

The tutorial on basic stars + clouds :grin:
Ok, it doesn't look exactly like (or anywhere near) your final product, but considering we were using different programs, I think its pretty good.

btw, I have made another wallpaper... but I dont know where the chick is from! I'm working on it though ;) When I find out, it'll be officially submitted :grin:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:56 pm
by Ashley
When I find out, it'll be officially submitted

You don't have to know--we can always put "Unknown" for now and if you find out later just let me know and I will update it. No worries. ^^

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:59 pm
by Hephzibah
Okedokey! :grin:
So how many wallpapers do we have so far?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:02 am
by Ashley
Well, counting your latest submission we have 20! Woo!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:15 pm
by Hephzibah
20!!! Wowser!
So when will this thing be up and running? I want to see all of them :grin:

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 5:20 pm
by MyrrhLynn
Talame wrote:The tutorial on basic stars + clouds :grin:
Ok, it doesn't look exactly like (or anywhere near) your final product, but considering we were using different programs, I think its pretty good.

Ahh ok glad it was able to help you a bit. :thumb:

Hehe... since Ashely is pretty much in charge of it I'll let her decide when she wants to open to the public. I'm hoping I'll get really ambitious and make a custom skin for the Sancut Lux gallery (like Anime paper has: ) But I donno... that will take a lot of ambition. XD

PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 8:26 pm
by Hephzibah
:D your site also inspired me to actually make wallpapers in the first place :grin:
(btw I've made another one :grin: WEEE this is fun)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:08 pm
by MyrrhLynn
Talame wrote::D your site also inspired me to actually make wallpapers in the first place :grin:
(btw I've made another one :grin: WEEE this is fun)

Awww thanks! :hug: I'm so happy to hear that. :) Although a bunch of the credit needs to go to Ashley since she has submitted a lot of the wallpapers that are on my site. :hug: Yay Ashley! :lol:

And yeah making wallpapers is fun. It gets even more fun the better you get believe me. (cause it starts to turn out closer to how you pictured it in your head XD )

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:27 am
by SakuraSamurai
I've been trying to look all over for stuff like that! I have one but I would like to find more.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:34 pm
by Ashley
Whoops, I can't believe I let this thread stand so long without a reply...

[quote]Although a bunch of the credit needs to go to Ashley since she has submitted a lot of the wallpapers that are on my site. Yay Ashley! [quote]
Aww, you're welcome. I enjoy it quite a bit--design has become my passion (and my major) so it's awesome I get to help out with a Christian site like Daystar. ^^

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:25 am
by Hephzibah
I have made another wallpaper :D This time, it actually has a guy in it. I'm breaking from the norm! :grin: its in the wallpaper section if you would like to check it out :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:04 am
by MyrrhLynn
Ok Sanctus Lux is OPEN! Wheeee! I'm not sure where Ashley is planning on announcing it, and I don't want to steal her thunder so won't post the link. :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:06 am
by Ashley
Alright! And may I officially announce that on behalf of Myrrhlynn and all of Daystar Designs, that Sanctus Lux is officially open today. Go check it out!

Sanctus Lux: Christian Wallpaper Gallery

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:27 am
by MyrrhLynn
Ashley wrote:Alright! And may I officially announce that on behalf of Myrrhlynn and all of Daystar Designs, that Sanctus Lux is officially open today. Go check it out!

Sanctus Lux: Christian Wallpaper Gallery

Whew! That was speedy. :) So yes everyone go and visit Sanctus Lux!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:31 am
by ShiroiHikari
yay! *zooms over to check it out*

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:59 am
by inkhana
Oooh! So cool! :D Would it be ok if I make a couple to contribute sometime? hehe

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:00 am
by Ashley
Absolutely. We'd love to have you contribute. ^^ And my yahoo inbox is gianormous, so please feel free to cram it. XD

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:59 pm
by MyrrhLynn
Yes please submit more walls! :D We wants lots and lots to give people a nice variety to choose from. ;)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:05 pm
by Ashley
I know I'm not awesome at these, but I made some buttons for SL if you guys want. If you'd like to contribute some more buttons, feel free.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:46 pm
by MyrrhLynn
Awww :hug: I think those are cute Ashley! ;) I'll have to make some too, so I can link to it in my sig maybe. :)