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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:22 pm
by sarahjoy78
~~ Serephine ~~

Serephine smiled at Zero. "Good morning Zero," she said. Her smiled faded when he asked how long she had been up. "I've been up for a while now. I can never get any sleep anymore. I have nightmares every night. Ever since the evacuation. Their horrible. I have no idea how many times I wake up crying for my parents," she said shaking.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:47 pm
by Ally-Ann
OOC: I guess Eyvette's quesion'll have to go unanswered for now. XDD


Morning? Already? Ugh... Eden opened one eye slowly, vision starting to function again. Her vision focused on the white ceiling above her, and she opened the other eye. She curled her toes slightly, twitched her fingers a little, inhaled just loud enough for her to hear, sharpened all of her senses. She sat up on the mat that she had slept on through the night before arching her back slightly and stretching her slim arms forward. It had felt... different than a bed. Much more firm; there wasn't much give on the material when laying down on it, but Eden didn't really mind. She lolled her head from side-to-side a couple times, loosening the muscles. She used her hand to cover a yawn as she looked toward one of the windows next to the front door. The curtains were drawn, so there was only a small sliver of morning sun light shining into the house, casting a bright ray directly onto Eden's face. What a pleasant way to wake up. And the thought wasn't a sarcastic one, either.

Eden suddenly remembered Eyvette, but didn't make a sound. Instead, she simply scanned the room for her. She didn't want to be rude and wake someone up from slumber; Eden knew that she herself hated being woken up, so she wouldn't perform such torture on someone else.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:50 pm
by Arya Raiin
OCC: Nice to have you back. :)


They eyed the young boy nervously. His gloves were glowing with a warm light, wich would've been nice if it weren't for the situation. They glanced at each other, a signal to step back. However, their leader was less hesitant. He gathered an electrical charge with his glove (the other arm was injured, making it painful to move his hand) and stepped towards Pim, readying a high voltage shot to stop his heart. His teeth glinted in the dark, like a wolf readied for a slaughter. The other two stepped forward, trying to get him out of harms way. But, he had been shamed once. He wouldn't be shamed again.


Noxa looked at Pim, her eyes flashing with surprise. She had not though he could be so... intimidating? She swallowed her laughter. Now was not a time for games. Refocusing, she saw the leader step out to attack, his gloves crackling with electricity. "Pim!" She gasped a warning, hoping he could defend himself in time. She readied her own attack as he raised his hand to kill Pim.

OCC: Alright, lets be quick after this and catch up to what everyone else is doing. ^.^

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:54 am
by metolosophy

He stared at the leader, seeing the electrical gloves in his peripheral vision.
A big smile grew on his face. "The electroconductivity is simply amazing!" he said, that nerdy wild look in his eyes. He took a step forward, letting the glove touch his chest. A loud shock sounded as lightning circled around Pim's torso and faded away into his back.
"Electrodynamics at its simplest," he said shaking himself, clearly unhurt. With a flick of his wrist, a glowing longsword emerged from his palm, sending out a blinding light. Resting it on his shoulder, he looked at the three of them.
He patted his brace lovingly. "I can't tell you how much I love James Maxwell's work," he said, sticking the sword into the chest of the leader, only splitting the cloth of his shirt, threatening with his eyes to drive the sword in. "I live off of electricity, I'm even wearing a semi-powerful electromagnetic generator. Once I researched electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability of my body, I simply had to build my back brace following the physics of the oscillatory field disturbances of the fundamental force. Even said, you might want to up the ante on your voltage maximums. It creates a whole lot of show with pretty sparks, but the damage it can cause is laughable. Just sayin'."

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:29 pm
by Oddood198
OOC: I'm sorry I took so long! Then again, not much I could have done until yesterday, when it became today, after being yesterday for a few weeks.


Valca came down the stairs to see Zero and Serephine sitting down for breakfast. Valca walked with a bit of a longer stride and his expression was a warm smile of someone who was NOT slated for death. All in all, he seemed positively chipper.
"Morning, guys." He said, then noticed the depressing mood settling over the room, "Wow, what's with the gloom? Lighten up you guys, seriously, I'll start tickling you if I have to."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:13 pm
by Wolfsong

She had woken up early. She glanced at Eden, and saw she was still asleep. Quietly, so as not to wake her, she got to her feet and grabbed her stuff from next to her pillow.
"Hunter," she called quietly. The dog was instantly awake, and watching her. She tiptoed over and patted his head. "How you feeling, Hunter? My head feels fuzzy again. I wonder how the sheet keeps managing to wrap itself around my neck." She sat down, chuckling mirthlessly. "At least it doesn't choke me." She sat there and talked animatedly with the german shepherd until she saw Eden sit up.
"Hey, good morning," she said. "I'm going out to get some breakfast. You wanna come along?"


"I know what you mean," he replied faintly, then smiled as Valca walked over. "Well, good morning to you to! You're threatening to tickle me?" he grinned, repling, "Think again. Try it and I'll wrestle you till you're begging for mercy."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:31 pm
by sarahjoy78
Serephine laughed. "I'm sure that you would," she said with a smile. She got up. "Whats on the to do list today guys," she asked with a smile.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:43 pm
by Wolfsong

"Not sure...Wanna scope around town? I've found signs of other people, though I haven't found them yet. You wanna help me look?"

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:06 pm
by sarahjoy78
Serephine smiled. "Sounds good to me," she said.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:53 pm
by Oddood198
Valca nodded, grinning, "I think that would be good. The more the merrier, right?" He said, "Although, I think some breakfast would come before that. Is there any soup left?" He asked.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:00 pm
by sarahjoy78
Serephine smiled and handed a bowl of heated up soup to Valca. "Of course. Here ya go," she said with a smile.