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Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:48 pm
by Kilvakar
After seeing some of the other Q&A threads here, I thought it looked like a good way to get to know people around here, so here's mine. Ask, and it shall be answered!

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:17 am
by Vio13
Alright, I'll give it a try!
Most cherished memory with friends that you're able to share?
Favorite dinosaur?
Favorite Zelda game?
Favorite thing to have for dinner?

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:15 pm
by Rolarin
Favorite movie?
Favorite anime?
Favorite Bible Verse?


Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:37 pm
by Lilac#18
What are your favorite books to read?
How do you relieve your stress?

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:33 am
by Thunderscream872
I'm gonna ask allot of questions, so brace yourself (some of these are really random):

What was the last anime you completed?
What anime has your favorite artwork?
What non-anime show or movie would you like to see an anime of?
What is one genre of music you just can't get into?
Who is your favorite musician/band?
How many flash drives do you own?
Name one guilty pleasure?
Have you ever been called a hipster?

This or that:
Bleach or Fairy Tail? (I think I remember you saying you liked Bleach)
Marvel or DC?
Wolverine or Batman?
Android or iPhone?

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:26 pm
by Kilvakar
Ah, so may questions! Gonna have to make a big post to reply to all of them :)

Most cherished memory with friends that you're able to share? TOO HARD!!! lol! I have so many good memories of hanging out with my friends, running around in the swamps and woods, battling each other with wooden weapons, playing RPGs, just hanging out and cooking together...

Favorite dinosaur? Kronosaurus
Favorite Zelda game? Twilight Princess
Favorite thing to have for dinner? Fish!


Favorite movie? All the Lord of the Rings movies.
Favorite anime? Close tie between Fairy Tail, Bleach, and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Favorite Bible Verse? 2 Timothy 1:7


What are your favorite books to read? Good fantasy or sci-fi books.
How do you relieve your stress? Beating people up! Just kidding... Usually by listening to awesome music.


What was the last anime you completed? Stein's Gate
What anime has your favorite artwork? That's hard to say, I tend to watch shows because I like the story and characters more than for the artwork, although that's not entirely true, since I know One Piece is supposed to be really good and I haven't watched it because of the art...
What non-anime show or movie would you like to see an anime of? I would have to say either Doctor Who or Grimm
What is one genre of music you just can't get into? Rap
Who is your favorite musician/band? I actually don't have a favorite, although Scottish/Irish/Celtic music is my favorite, especially if it has bagpipes!
How many flash drives do you own? One. Just one.
Name one guilty pleasure? Eating sushi. It's so expensive, but so good!
Have you ever been called a hipster? I've been jokingly called a hippie because of my long hair...

This or that:
Bleach or Fairy Tail? (I think I remember you saying you liked Bleach) NOOOO! Don't make me choose between those two! They're my all-time favorites!
Marvel or DC? DC! Justice League all the way! (Although I have nothing against Marvel, and their movies have been great lately...)
Wolverine or Batman? Well, you probably already know now, but it's Batman.
Android or iPhone? I don't have either, so I don't know....

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:15 pm
by Vio13
running around in the swamps and woods, battling each other with wooden weapons, playing RPGs,

Oh! Not gonna lie, really wanting to do a legit version of this with friends :P woods are best~

"Favorite Zelda game? Twilight Princess"

*cries tears of joy* Finally, I am alone no longer! Love that game

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:48 pm
by Lilac#18
What's the one place you haven't been to, but you really want to go?
Who makes you smile?
What's your favorite emoji?

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:36 pm
by Kilvakar
What's the one place you haven't been to, but you really want to go? Scotland!
Who makes you smile? My family and friends.
What's your favorite emoji? (apparently I don't know how to get them to work on this site, but it's the alligator one :P)

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:28 am
by PLCDreamcatcher14
Kilvakar wrote:What non-anime show or movie would you like to see an anime of? I would have to say either Doctor Who or Grimm

Man I'd LOVE to see those as animes!

Anyway, here's my questions.

Dusk or Dawn?
Fav animal?
Fav non-anime TV show?
Quick! Look around the room. What's the first pink thing you see? The first blue? And finally purple?
Dogs or Cats?
Fav actor? Actress? (they can be voice actors if you want)

I think that's it for now. :)

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:57 am
by Kilvakar
Dusk or Dawn? Probably dusk, getting up at dawn is hard, lol!
Fav animal? Snakes
Fav non-anime TV show? Doctor Who
Quick! Look around the room. What's the first pink thing you see? The first blue? And finally purple? Pink: A starburst candy. Blue: A shirt. Purple:....nothing, lol!
Dogs or Cats? Dogs
Fav actor? Actress? (they can be voice actors if you want) Sean Connery and Mae Whitman

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:39 pm
by ClaecElric4God
How have I not participated in this yet?

Favorite Fairy Tail character?
Top dog breed?
What color is your favorite inanimate object in the whole wide world?
If you HAD to move to a state other than the one in which you currently reside (assuming you do in fact live in the States), which would it be?
Do you hate it when people ask you questions?
Do you believe that people can be introverted?
Should society rethink our use of chair legs?
Is their a possibility that everyone perceives color differently and no one knows it because we can't prove it? For example, that what to me is blue is orange to someone else.
Are you secretly a secret agent?
Do you hang up on telemarketers?

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:52 am
by Mullet Death
You are stranded on an island with only a working coconut generator, TV, and BD player, and you can only bring one anime, but it can't be one you've already mentioned on this page. What do you bring?
You got a special lady at home?
You're suddenly forced to adopt the hair color and style of one of the five people from the picture in your signature. What do you go with?
Why did I wake at 4 AM and start asking questions?
Who would you use a love potion on?
The sharpest object on your left is your only weapon against the Flood. Odds of survival?
What power from any work of fiction or your own imagination would you like to have?
What's something that's been difficult to give up for God?
Do you like the Elder Scrolls series?
If so, what race/class would you wanna be if you really ended up there?
Have I asked you any of these questions before and just forgot?
Ever been majorly pranked?
What say thee in thy defense, villianous scoundrel?
You wake up covered with spiders crawling all over you-- how you react?
What would the scouter say about your power level?
Do you find me annoying?
Have you watched Non Non Biyori yet? If not, you receive an F-- until you correct this and tell me what you think of it.

Re: Kilvakar's Q&A

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:08 pm
by Kilvakar
Favorite Fairy Tail character? Hmm, Main Character: Natsu. He's just so EPIC! Supporting character: Elfman. Background character: Laki
Top dog breed? I like newfoundlands and Germain short-haired pointers
What color is your favorite inanimate object in the whole wide world? probably metallic grey-silver?
If you HAD to move to a state other than the one in which you currently reside (assuming you do in fact live in the States), which would it be? I currently live in Florida, but if I HAD to move to another state it'd probably be Texas.
Do you hate it when people ask you questions? Nope :)
Do you believe that people can be introverted? Of course they can...
Should society rethink our use of chair legs? Yes, their potential as a weapon is highly under-explored...
Is their a possibility that everyone perceives color differently and no one knows it because we can't prove it? For example, that what to me is blue is orange to someone else. I think that's already been proven to be true, at least in some cases :)
Are you secretly a secret agent? If I told you that, I'd have to kill you....
Do you hang up on telemarketers? Yes.

You are stranded on an island with only a working coconut generator, TV, and BD player, and you can only bring one anime, but it can't be one you've already mentioned on this page. What do you bring? Probably One Piece, cause I haven't watched that yet and it's LONG. That way I would have something to do while waiting to be rescued
You got a special lady at home? Hmm, still waiting on the Lord for that. I've grown content with the idea that I might remain a bachelor, though.
You're suddenly forced to adopt the hair color and style of one of the five people from the picture in your signature. What do you go with? Well, if I could have the tentacles, I'd go with Squid Girl any day, lol! Otherwise, it'd have to be Gray.
Why did I wake at 4 AM and start asking questions? Cause you're too cool to be sleeping in.
Who would you use a love potion on? Well, I'd say Juvia, but I'd never steal someone's girl, lol! So it'd either be Mirajane or Laki.
The sharpest object on your left is your only weapon against the Flood. Odds of survival? Oh ho! Fortunately, the sharpest weapon on my left happens to be a battleaxe, no joke! So I'd say my chances are pretty good...
What power from any work of fiction or your own imagination would you like to have? Well, I'd say the power of Superman! But if I had to pick just one ability, I'd say Dragon Slayer magic.
What's something that's been difficult to give up for God? One thing that comes to mind is dating non-Christian women. I don't know many Christian women my age, and those that I do know are...unavailable.
Do you like the Elder Scrolls series? Yesss!
If so, what race/class would you wanna be if you really ended up there? I'd be an Argonian Wizard!
Have I asked you any of these questions before and just forgot? Not that I can think of...
Ever been majorly pranked? Nope, can't say I have
What say thee in thy defense, villianous scoundrel? Who be you, to order me about and call me scoundrel? Have at thee, thou capricous curr!
You wake up covered with spiders crawling all over you-- how you react? Sit very still to find out what kind they are, then either either stand up and shake them all off or very slowly brush them off to avoid being bitten...
What would the scouter say about your power level? It's....over NINE THOUSAND!!! (in my dreams, lol!)
Do you find me annoying? Not at all! You're one of the coolest people I know here :D
Have you watched Non Non Biyori yet? If not, you receive an F-- until you correct this and tell me what you think of it. *sadly takes the F* But actually, I have been thinking of watching it, especially after watching this: