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Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:18 am
by Cloves
Hi everyone. I'm Cloves.
Cloves is pronounced like 'gloves' but it begins with a 'c'.

I came across this site by searching on Google: "Christian and love anime"
cause I wanted to find friends who were Christians that have similar interests as me.

I hope I can make friends here. :D

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:17 pm
by shooraijin

I think a lot of people find this site that way.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:01 pm
by drill
Welcome to CAA Cloves! Hope you enjoy your stay :D

What is your favorite anime?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:22 pm
by Cloves
shooraijin wrote:Welcome!

I think a lot of people find this site that way.

Hi :)
Oh that's good. Maybe I can find a lot of Christians here then. ^_^
drill wrote:Welcome to CAA Cloves! Hope you enjoy your stay :D

What is your favorite anime?

Hi Drill and thanks. :n_n:
I have quite a few favourite animes and ones I enjoyed watching~
Saint tail, Fruits basket, School Rumble, Arakawa under the bridge, Death note,
Lovely Complex, Kimi ni Todoke.
(These are the only ones I can think of right now. I'm pretty sure I have more.)

and currently, I'm enjoying Kuroko no basket <3
I hope you like at least one favourite anime from my list xD

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:55 pm
by Panda4christ:3
Konichiwa~! Have a panda bear hug >w< *hugs*
Your avvy is from kuroko no basuke, correct? :3
What are some of your favorite anime/manga? ^-^

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:22 pm
by Cloves
Panda4christ:3 wrote:Konichiwa~! Have a panda bear hug >w< *hugs*
Your avvy is from kuroko no basuke, correct? :3
What are some of your favorite anime/manga? ^-^

Hi Panda~ *hugs back* :hug: :3

Yep~ Kagami Taiga from Kuroko no basuke. He's my favourite :XD:

I've listed my favourite anime on my previous post here (Since I'm new, my posts have to be
approved by the moderator) but I don't really read manga.
But since I really enjoy Kuroko no basket, I'm reading the manga right now. <3

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:32 pm
by DecooPunk
Welcome to CAA! :D

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:41 am
by Cloves
Hi DecooPunk :) Thank you ^-^

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:11 pm
by Wolfsong
Hi, welcome to the Christian Anime Asylum. We hope you enjoy your stay, you get room 281. That is next to roommate 280, Crossfire, and roommate 282, Xeno, so you're in for a lot of hazing - I mean fun. Just beware of the 100-150 area, that's where all the real nutcases like Claec, Odd and myself stay.

:lol: Hi, welcome to CAA. I look forward to seeing you around, and please forgive my addled brain. I really aren't crazy, just a trifle insane, I swear.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:41 pm
by rocklobster
:hug: Welcome to CAA!
Would you like a jelly baby?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:39 pm
by Cloves
Wolfsong wrote:Hi, welcome to the Christian Anime Asylum. We hope you enjoy your stay, you get room 281. That is next to roommate 280, Crossfire, and roommate 282, Xeno, so you're in for a lot of hazing - I mean fun. Just beware of the 100-150 area, that's where all the real nutcases like Claec, Odd and myself stay.

:lol: Hi, welcome to CAA. I look forward to seeing you around, and please forgive my addled brain. I really aren't crazy, just a trifle insane, I swear.

XD I don't quite understand about the room numbers
but I think I will enjoy staying around room numbers 100-150~ :n_n:

Hi Wolfsong :) I hope I do enjoy my stay.
I hope I can become an official member soon! ^-^

rocklobster wrote::hug: Welcome to CAA!
Would you like a jelly baby?

Hello rocklobster~ :hug: *nod nod*

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:54 pm
by Wolfsong
Cloves wrote:XD I don't quite understand about the room numbers
but I think I will enjoy staying around room numbers 100-150~ :n_n:

Hi Wolfsong :) I hope I do enjoy my stay.
I hope I can become an official member soon! ^-^

lol I was just making the numbers up, like we were in a hotel or something. I'm stupid-crazy that way, take your pick. But I'm glad you want to hang around our numbers. We're such an oppressed minority.
So Cloves, what kinda of hobbies do you enjoy?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:14 pm
by Cloves
Wolfsong wrote:lol I was just making the numbers up, like we were in a hotel or something. I'm stupid-crazy that way, take your pick. But I'm glad you want to hang around our numbers. We're such an oppressed minority.
So Cloves, what kinda of hobbies do you enjoy?

Haha. I think it would be nice to hang around with people here. I've already been stalking reading what
some people posted here and I thought it was nice :n_n: I also recognized you cause I read some of your posts~ :D

My hobbies?

I don't have a lot of hobbies but I play guitar sometimes (I'm self taught and I only play it when I feel like it)
I like to sing anime/Japanese songs~ I play video games (Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS are the only consoles I own)
I read sometimes but only when I'm traveling to uni. xD
That's it really D: I don't have a lot of hobbies xD.
Oh wait, one more. I love talking about Christ/hearing about him~ I want to talk about him and listen to how
people changed because of him ^-^

How about you, Wolfsong?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:23 pm
by Wolfsong
Cloves wrote:Haha. I think it would be nice to hang around with people here. I've already been stalking reading what
some people posted here and I thought it was nice :n_n: I also recognized you cause I read some of your posts~ :D


:lol: I read and a ton, especially fantasy stuff. If you've seen any of my works in the rpg area, that gives you a hint at how crazy I am.
I play a lot of games, but I prefer stuff with good story and gameplay.
I love crafts of every sort, and though I can't do most of them, I'll try anything once. That's usually all it takes to cause chaos XD
And yeah, I love hearing about how Christ has moved people as well. Tends to move me too.

So if you don't have many hobbies, what do you do all day? :lol:
Christ's love to you, Cloves. Which by the way, that's a darn good spice you chose there.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:45 pm
by Cloves
Wolfsong wrote: :lol: I read and a ton, especially fantasy stuff. If you've seen any of my works in the rpg area, that gives you a hint at how crazy I am.

That's nice! I only got into reading last year during summer holidays last year. I've enjoyed
Christian genres by Francis River. I also know a Christian fantasy novel called F.A.I.R.I.E.S by MC Pearson!
It has a lot of supernatural characters and mainly for younger readers but as a young adult I enjoyed it.
I play a lot of games, but I prefer stuff with good story and gameplay.

Me too~ I'm waiting for Walking Dead season 2 episode 2 to come out already! I can't wait anymore.
And yeah, I love hearing about how Christ has moved people as well. Tends to move me too.

Yay! :angel: :angel: :angel:
So if you don't have many hobbies, what do you do all day? :lol:

I surf the internet or I'm at uni~ How about you? What do you do? XD
Christ's love to you, Cloves. Which by the way, that's a darn good spice you chose there.

Aww ^-^ Thank you.
....But I'm not sure what you mean by 'spice'. What spice do you mean?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:51 pm
by Wolfsong
I...survive. It helps that I have Martial Arts classes three times a week, along with all the other bonuses that come along with that...XP But I go to internet when I can.

by spice, Cloves, I mean this:

lol I take it you've never cooked?

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:32 pm
by Cloves
Wolfsong wrote:I...survive. It helps that I have Martial Arts classes three times a week, along with all the other bonuses that come along with that...XP But I go to internet when I can.
Wowwwwwwwww~ I love martial arts! I also used to do it a few years ago but it cost so much I quit ;_;
What martial arts do you do, Wolfsong?
by spice, Cloves, I mean this:

lol I take it you've never cooked?

W-Well of course I know what a spice is!
I just didn't know you meant a literal spice.
And I'm not very good at cooking.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:20 pm
by Wolfsong
Oh cool, you too. I take Taekwando, and became a Black Belt last year. I know what you mean by expensive XD
lol hey that's okay. Neither am I, for the most part.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:29 pm
by Cloves
Wolfsong wrote:Oh cool, you too. I take Taekwando, and became a Black Belt last year. I know what you mean by expensive XD
lol hey that's okay. Neither am I, for the most part.

Awesome ^-^ I did something similar to Taekwondo. I did Choi-Kwang Do. Sadly, I quit after I became a gold belt senior. ;_;

Awesome again for black belt~

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:52 pm
by Mithrandir
Welcome to the Nuthouse! :lol:

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:50 pm
by ClaecElric4God
Welcome, welcome.
Be careful you don't spend too much time around Wolf. Her awesomeness might rub off.
Also, beware the guy in the santa hat- oh, wait, he changed it. Well, beware him anyway. He's witty and terrifyingly smart.
In fact, I'd probably just worry about everyone around here. There's something majorly wrong with each of us. We're trying to get it taken care of, but the therapy sessions aren't going very well since we always end up throwing assorted pastries at each other about two minutes in. But so far I don't think anyone has died. A couple went missing awhile back, but I think they were expendable. I don't remember; everything before the waffle epidemic is a little hazy.
Anyways, glad to have you, and it looks like you're already making yourself at home. I'm sure you'll make some friends here, but I can't guarantee your safety if you do. Befriending any of the vagrants that roam around here, there's no telling what you've got yourself into. But it's also exciting and fun, and the survivors here can tell you it's almost definitely worth the risk!
All that aside, it's good to meet you, and I hope to see you around the forums.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:42 am
by Cloves
Hi Mithrandir~ Nice username :)


Thank you for the details, ClaecElric4God. xDDDDDD

Everyone just keeps calling themselves crazy and weird. And calling each other crazy and weird.
Now I'm curious to know what kind of place this is. xD

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:45 am
by Wolfsong
It's a madhouse, just step into chat sometime and you'll understand.

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:01 am
by Cloves
Will be looking forward to meet everyone on chat. :n_n:

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:16 pm
by emmatheveritas
:hug: Hi, there, Cloves! I am really glad to meet another newbie! It is great to see so many that love both Jesus and anime on here! Do you draw anime? Manga, I mean! :bang: Ay ay ay...anyways, I'm new here, too! Hope to see you around!
Also, do you like Pink Floyd? If you haven't, their albums Wish You Were Here, Saucerful of Secrets, and especially Animals are highly recommended! They are totally safe, except for an occasional cuss only once on each album, but I can tell you, I only listen to stuff that my parents say are okay.
Oh, yah, and watch out for Claeic ! She's crazy...(naw A'hm kiddin with's really ME you should think is crazy!) :grin: :hits_self
Again, welcome to the machine and I hope you like it here.有好天巴!(have a good day in my amateur Mandarin) :sweat:
Veritas out!

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:08 am
by Cloves
Hi Emmatheveritas ^_^ Yep. I love seeing that here too~ <3
I don't draw anime nor manga. Do you? xD But I do enjoy singing anime songs. I actually do covers ^-^

I don't listen to Pink Floyd, no but it's nice to see that you really like them~
I am enjoying it here so far. Thank you. I hope you also have a nice time here. ^-^

Re: Hello everyone~ I'm new here.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:11 am
by anlptgtsg
A late welcome to you :)