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R86's scripts and fragments

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:35 pm
by R86
Somewhat unfortunately, I became interested in drawing doujinshi a few years ago. I say "unfortunately" because my drawing skills lag decades behind my writing skills, and I feel the need to brush up on the basics of drawing before trying again with doujinshi.

What's more, I can't seem to come up with an entire self-contained story. All I can come up with is a series of Important Moments, strung together awkwardly by dialogue. This does not a story make. Strangely, though, these ideas tend to come to me in script form. The end result is that I wind up with a lot of script fragments, probably the majority of which I will never draw. Some of them possibly could be adapted into fanfics instead. I have also lately realized that there is nothing wrong with drawing Important Moments. Nothing says that I have to write stories.

Still, since there is a writing forum here, I thought I'd share some of my scripts or script fragments here. Some of them won't be serious, and are just what I do in order to process the anime I watch. Others might be ones I'd consider turning into fancomics, or fancomic fragments, if the script seems good enough. Today's falls in the "not serious" category.

For now, I'll attach my most recent effort, based on Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto. I went out on a limb and made a prediction for how I think the last minute of the last episode will go down. WARNING: The idea of characters in an unclothed state is referenced (and really, this should come as no shock to anyone watching the show), but nothing is actually described. Also, if this is your most favoritest bestest show EVAR, you might not want to read this, as it is quite tongue-in-cheek. :)

Chance of my ever actually drawing this as a fancomic: maybe 10-15%. In addition to making workable redesigns of four other characters besides Takuto himself, I would have to draw at least a couple shots of Tauburn from the exterior, which sounds hard.

One last thing: since my scripts use only anime characters, to me they are always "really" speaking Japanese unless otherwise stated. My Japanese is minimal, but this awareness always affects how I write scripts. Thus you can consider the dialogue you read in my scripts to be a translation, not a word-for-word transcription.

Anyway, enjoy! (I hope!) :grin:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:09 am
I mentioned this to you before - but I thought this was hilarious, even though I've only seen a bit of the series. :)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:34 am
by R86
Thanks -- and by some odd coincidence, I think the newly-resurrected bishounen game might be just the thing for writing some scripts and putting them to good (bad?) use. :)