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Wakefield Dynasty

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:19 pm
by Ashley
Got a passion for history? Interested in getting into a great Christian series? Then I definately recommend the Wakefield Dynasty by Gilbert Morris. Awesome, awesome series--heck one of the books was a tool to found CAA so that alone should say something. ;) It's about a family in England and it follows each generation through their struggles as both Englishmen (from Elizabeth I's day all the way to the Mayflower journey) and as Christians. While yes, after a while it gets a little tiresome and harder to sift through, I found the first two books especially strong (the Sword of Truth being the best one). Anyway, just my thoughts--anyone else read this?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:20 pm
by Kokhiri Sojourn
Nope, but it sounds interesting - I'll look it up sometime and check it out.

BTW, thanks for this forum. I didn't think it would ever be here, but I'm going to love it, I'm sure already.