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PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 7:58 pm
by Puritan
SHODAN. SHODAN isn't very well known, she was the evil villain of System Shock 1 and 2. I'd choose her as the most evil villain because she is utterly amoral and yet still evil. She doesn't have any ethical system to rebel against as her ethical programming was removed, so she isn't being evil because of some ethical lapse, she's evil because she has decided she is a god, is destined to rule everything, and thus she can do whatever she wants. You can't reason with her, she is utterly and irrevocably convinced she has the right to rule everything because she has power, a perfect Nietzschian AI, so she has no ethical or moral system whatsoever and considers humanity to be pitiful vermin compared to her magnificent abilities. And she's not afraid to tell you so in a myriad of ways, even as she is trying to get you to help her she can't help but inform you how pitiful you are, how wondrous she is, and how she will squash humanity like a bug just as soon as you take care of a few problems for her...though she may be merciful and let you bask in her electronic "glory." She has one of the coolest voices of any villain, suddenly modulating between octaves and repeating herself randomly as she contemplates and plots faster than she can speak.