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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:17 am
by Tsukuyomi
Yay, this is gonna be so cool (jumps up and down)!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:15 pm
by faithfighter
due to something I previously didn't know. I wouldn't be sending this in to the mods tonight.

however I will tomorrow and then this will start as soon as they put it up.

*thumbs up*

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:36 am
by Jingo Jaden
Coolies then ^_^ Lets try to beat the last post count.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:44 pm
by faithfighter
it has been sent. so now we wait for the mods reply.

Coolies then ^_^ Lets try to beat the last post count.

hehe yay! lets do it!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:51 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Eh.. post count?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:23 pm
by christianfriend
^-^ Hi, Here's my character, If It's still ok to join ^^

Name: Alvina Engela
Age: 15
Grade: freshman
Gender: female
Race: Mercurian
Planet: Mercury
history: Alvina is an only child of a welthy family. The welthiest family on the west side of mercury actually. Her Father and mother run one of the biggest companies in the city and are much too busy to pay much attention to their daughter. So Alvina has always pretty much been on her own. But unlike her mother and father who are greedy and unthoughtful Alvina is always out and about doing more for the less fortunate people. Her favorite place to hang out is the poorest side of Mercury, the southern most part of the planet. She would always bring new toys to the orphans and play with them, making her quite loved by everyone around for her kindness. But one day when her Father found out what she was doing he banned her from ever going to the south side...and sent her off to the Galactic HighSchool shortly after.
weapon of choice: None
Gift/Ability/Power: Extreme sight and the ability to fly.
eyes: Silver
Hair: Long silver hair that goes down to her knees.
Weight: 85 pounds
Bodybuild: Slender
Skin: Ghostly White
Markings: Small light blue heart tattoo on her right cheek.
Top: White and blue long sleeved Jacket with one button in the middle.
Bottom: Knee-length White and blue frilly skirt with laces.
Shoes: Small white boots.
Accessories: White Headband and a chain necklace with a wing hanging from it.
Personality: Happy, cheerful and very heart-warming.

allience: Good
Race Information: Mercurians are Always Extremely Pale with Either White or silver hair and eyes. The Females are more on the small side, usually 5', while the Males are usually around 5'10-6'. Mercurians are also born with White wings on their backs and small wings on the side of their head, just above their elven like ears. Most mercurians are reserved and quite, but a few are the complete oppisites, like Alvina. Mercurians are also very intellegent and into Science and technology.

Other: Alvina's wings are smaller than most Mercurians and she is also shorter than most her age, but that never stops her from anything.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:41 pm
by faithfighter
Soa he means the post count from the first EGH
Approved CFchan! and welcome abaord!!!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:58 pm
by christianfriend
Yay! Thanks Faith! ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:33 pm
by faithfighter

here is a challenge for all you public schoolers that joined. can you make a list of classes? that will help this homeschooled GM make a schedul. lol

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:33 pm
by Yumie
Approved! There will be a thread for this in the main roleplay section in approximately 1.3 minutes. (Yeah, I totally just pulled that number out of the air.)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:35 pm
by Kiba-kun
YeeHaa! Yumie you rock! *puts on Pumpin' Up the Party by Hannah Montanna*

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:08 pm
by Josh Fisher
Name: Markus Brutus

Age: 16 human years (actually 508)

Grade: 10th

Gender: Male

Race: Celle

Planet: Celle

history: The Celle (pronounced Sell-ee) are a powerful race of telepathic creatures with skin as hard as Diamonds. They appear human except for a fox like tail and ears like a fox. He is a decendant from the royal family. He is slightly arrogant and stuck up. He was sent by his father to make peace, but also spy on the other ambassodors of the other planets. He understands his duties, but questions his father sometimes.

weapon of choice: two daggers forged of solid Diamonds, and a handy pack of traps, tricks, and tools.

Gift/Ability/Power: Telapathic abilities (i.E. Moving objects, mind reading, telepathic talking), and his diamond like skin. He also has amazing speed.

Appearence: Black Fox tail and Ears, with Long Black hair. Appears human, but the Celle are rumored to have terrible transformation powers. He has yet to see his transformation. He wears his weapons on him at all times, and he wears a blue jump suit with a black belt and a ninja mask when he fights....other than that, he usually just wears his Military uniform with all his medals.

allience: His people are on the side of Evil and Against the school, but he is nuetral.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:30 pm
by faithfighter
thanks so much Yumie!!!
hey welcome Josh!!
it just started so everyone to the main rp section!!

Head Mistress

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:39 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Hannah Burges
Age: 42
Gender: female
Race: Gortoni
Planet: Gor
history: She is the Head Mistress of GHS. She was a long time contributor to the peace project, as was her father before her. She always dreamt of being where she is now.
She is kind and motherly and seems to have it all together. Which isn't so. She has plenty of struggles inculding her son...
Gift/Ability/Power: telepathic
Appearence: pic to come
allience: good

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:42 pm
by faithfighter

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:00 pm
by Kiba-kun

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:19 am
by Josh Fisher
I edited my character a bit

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:49 pm
by faithfighter
Name:Liam Burges
Age: 16
Gender: male
grade: freshman
Race: Gortoni
Planet: Gor
history: The son of Hannah Burges. A good kid in his youth he changed greatly after a tragedy that neither he nore his mother ever speak of. He is now a delinquint, fresh out of Arkon, a prison equvilent for minors.
Gift/Ability/Power: alter ego
Appearence: pic
allience: nutural

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:04 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Kirin Motrul
Age: 16
Grade: junior
Gender: female
Race: Suvock
Planet: Visawon
history: Kirin's father is an important Visawon official. She herself was known for her grace and skills of diplomacy, but mostly for her beauty. All of that ended when an assassination atempted ended her up in criticle condition. To save her life the doctors fixed her up with experimental bionic cybernetics. She became bitter and reclusive, when she was choosen to go to EGH she adimently refused. However certain prosuations convinced her to change her mind. Since her injure, she has become quite a geek. she was fasincated by the bionics just as much as she hated them and often tinkers when given the chance
weapon of choice: her bionic upgrades came with built in weapons. shock wave blaster, the ability to release large amounts of kenetic energy (causing what she touches to explode). but her eye is probably the most useful with abilities ranging from enhanced sight, to distance readings and more...
Appearence: At first glance she looks human, with light brown hair and her left eye is forest green. however her right eye is metallic with strange symbols tracing across it. She keeps it covered under her hair. the palm of her left hand is completely metal as well. most of her abilities come from it and her eye. Her right leg is completely robotic as well. She always wears long baggy clothes and fingerless gloves to keep her innormalicies secret.
allience: good

PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:58 pm
by CelticWarrior20
Name: Kyo
Gender: Male
Race: Half demon half elf
Planet: Earth
history: comes from a long line of royal family's deeply respected
weapon of choice: (if you choose to have one) demon sword
Gift/Ability/Power: if your character has a special power (super hero like power) gift (something that makes them different) or ability (a skill) put it here psi and shape shift
Appearence: (what your character looks like) mage robes with hood and family crest on front
allience: (are they good, natural, or evil)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:26 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Kurt Singer (Mr.S)
Age: 3160
Status: Science teacher
Gender: male
Race: Seninidb
Planet: Mastodon
history: Kurt's race is a very acient one. The Seninidb are very rare and have mostly died off. they are gifted with extrodinarily long lives as well as the ability to focus the mind into doing varius tasks (aka they are all psychics) Kurt Singer isn't his actuall name, but he never explains why he changed his name to that. in fact he never explains anything about his past. otherwise he is cheerful, energetic and overly friendly. His passion is science and he doesn't understand how anyone could not love it.
weapon of choice:
Gift/Ability/Power: telepathy
Appearence: pic
allience: good

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:13 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Dio Lionhart
Age: age unknown
Status: Culture Teacher
Gender: male
Race: Balin
Planet: Colony of Garet
history: Dio has been through much in his life, which to hear tell of it seems quite a lot longer than his young face would imply. The colony is a planet that holds knowledge in high respect. His father was an archeologist and his mother was a scientist. Dio has a great love for culture and nature. When he isn’t teaching he is often off just playing with any random animal he finds. His personality is quite bizarre and unpredictable, causing many of his students to question why he got hired.
weapon of choice: his mind (no he isn’t psychic, just smart)
Gift/Ability/Power: can read the kinetic energy surrounding a person to tell information about them.
Appearance: His hair is indigo like the sky just after twighlight. His eyes are green with specks of gold. He is short and wears the appearance of one who is in their mid-teens. That is except his eyes which hold the depth of one who has seen much good and evil. Despite his youthful appearance he is held in high respect by the other teachers, and is obviously an adult.
alliance: good (on most occasions)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:10 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Nakia Isis
Age: 27
Status: teacher
Gender: female
Race: Varo
Planet: Cedeene
History: The Varo people are a generally peaceful, good natured race. They are gifted in a rare healing art known as Itixar. The also have the ability to Byth which in their langue is roughly translated to mean “to see insideâ€

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:30 pm
by Kiba-kun

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:41 pm
by Kiba-kun
Name: Tora Valcur
Age: 17
Grade: 11th (Junior)
Gender: Male
Race: Rysuha (Re-shoe-ah)
Planet: Dekan (Deck-ann)
History: Tora had lived a simple yet happy life until just recently. His mother and he were never rich but always managed and neither complained because they were content. Tora’s father simply didn’t exist to them. Nothing was known about him except his last name: Valcur. Tora used his father’s last name instead of his mothers. Then, the moment he turned fifteen his father contacted him through astral projection. Anser, his father, informed Tora that he was special from the others on Rysuha because he was two races in one. Tora had inherited special abilities that the people of Rysuha do not have. However, it came at a price. Tora went through a grueling transformation that he must go through every once in a while. After the first transformation, it became a natural and dependant task that his body goes through. It took him a full year to learn to force this change on him instead of letting the need to change build up for days until it happens and can complete the change in about two minutes. He’d done well to hide it from his mother and the entire planet for another eight months but it simply wasn’t something that could be kept secret. His mother followed him out one night when he’d let the need build up and take over. It nearly put her in a coma from the shock but they managed to discuss it and workout that Tora leave for Galactic High.
Weapon of choice: His own body.
Gift/Ability/Power: Astral Projection, persuading weaker minds, enhanced physical prowess, purging (changing his body), purging specific body parts instead of the entire thing.
Appearance: Normal - Clicky!
Purged – His skin is blacker than the midnight sky and his eyes cast an eerie yellow. He doesn’t exactly have hair but trendils that run from his scalp to the back of his neck and look like dreadlocks. His arms and chest are bulging with muscle and his ribcage juts out farther than normal. His stomach curves perfectly to his chest and bears a six pack. His legs have a third bone at the kneecap that jut back and forces him to slouch a bit. He walks on the balls of his feet which are broader than normal for support and padded for stalking. His hands are also larger than normal and padded. He has half inch nails on his hands and feet. His ears are long, kinda like and elf’s, but only about three inches long and able to swivel to pick up sounds better. He doesn’t really have a nose, just slits like a snake. He has two separate jaw bones that can lock in place for speech with a ligament of skin that can stretch so he can open his jaws like a snake can.
Alliance: Neutral.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:37 am
by faithfighter
whoa!!! awesome job Kiba!! you definatly put a lot of work into this!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:34 pm
by faithfighter
Name: Slar Mrunne
Age: 12
Gender: male
grade: freshmen
Race: Cintari
Planet: Alpha 9
history: Slar is the president of alpha 9's son. He is strange in every aspect of his being. He is exetremly intelligent but amazingly flighty. even though his grades and IQ are astronomical, talking to him makes any rational human question his sanity. still he is kind and observent to a fault. his father sent him to GH as much for his own sake as for the sake of peace. the schools on Alpha 9 aren't up to par with that of this prestiges institute, so here he came.
Gift/Ability/Power: To shoot projectiles he absorbs through his hand
Appearence: pic
allience: good

in the picture Slar is the one in yellow, he looks older then he is