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Matador Travel, Tom's Bike Trip, and a little bit of inspiration.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:46 am
by Destroyer2000
Many of you know of my travel plans after college (which is less than two years away, now!) and how seemingly insane they appear. For those who don't, I'm taking a bike, a tent, and basic supplies, along with a laptop and camera, and biking whereever I choose. I'm starting in Europe, and I'm going to spend quite a bit of time there, then move on to another locale. Africa, Asia, I'm not sure yet. My choice of careers allows me to be location-independent, in that I don't have to work in an office building, and my dream in life is to seek out adventure in all its forms.

A website that have helped me with this greatly are Tom's Bike Trip, about Tom Allen, a young college graduate who set out to see the world by bicycle. Now, four or five years later, he returned after finding romance in the vastness of the world, having traveled around 15000 miles through Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Another is Matador Travel, a website built by travelers, for travelers. It's a collection of people from various walks of life with vastly different views on travel. Some of them are, like me, adventure travelers. Others prefer to seek out hostels and social situations.

Anyone interested in travel should find these websites interesting. I warn you, Tom is an atheist, and many users on Matador have varied opinions on religion.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:27 am
by Nami
Waaah, this is cool. I need to look into it~ :D I don't know if I'm quite brave enough to do something like this. But I would love to. Haha! X3 Ooh, the fun adventures! Bwuahha!