Members of this clique are admitted only if they have a signature that DOES NOT SCROLL!!!
The word "clique" is used totally tongue in cheek; we exist to promote courteous use of the internet, not to exclude people from our club.
The rules of this quasi-sanctioned club are as follows:
1. No member shall have a signature that scrolls (i.e., sigs must be 250 px or less).
2. No member shall flame other people.
3. Members shall encourage (but not hound) other users to observe courteous behavior online.
4. Members shall promote the existence of MOES when possible - ideally in a non-scrolling sig!

Optional good stuff:
* Remember to captialize Sane Sigs for great justice!
So sign up, and sig down! Join the movement, or get off the um, thread! Remember, long sigs don't hurt users - users WITH long sigs hurt users! If it doesn't fit, you must edIT!
To encourage the most efficient promotion of Sane Sigs, you may use one of these catchy phrases, or make up one of your own. The really cleaver ones might end up being added to this list!
"MOES. I can has Sane Sig now?"
"Proud member of MOES!"
"If it doesn't fit, you must edIT! -- MOES."
"MOES! Sign up and Sig Down!"
"Scrolling Sigs don't hurt people. MEMBERS with scrolling Sigs hurt people. -- MOES."
"MOES. Promoting Sane Sigs!"
"Another Sane Sig brought to you by MOES."
"Take off every Sig for great justice! -- MOES."
"Try new Scroll Away (tm). Brought to you by MOES."
"I'm too cool to scroll. -- MOES."
"MOES: Go, and scroll no more."
"MOES: Where everybody knows your sig (because it's a reasonable size)."
"MOES: Scroll less, young man!"
"MOES: Sig. Or sig not. There is no scroll."
"MOES: You gotta know when to hold it, know when you've scrolled it."