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the new Tokyopop site :/

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:05 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Anyone else made about what it's become? I have it bookmarked to see when manga I'm looking for are coming out, as well as how many volumes are out of it etc etc. And now, they've completely revamped it into nothing but fanbased fanart stuff >_< I'm mad! Before they had it, but you could still access the listing of manga, but now I can't even find that >_<

Anyone else mad about this change? I think it's rather stupid and has little to do with Tokyopop, really, except their REALLY taking the whole "Rising Stars of Manga" thing a bit too far...

EDIT: Well, now I found out that you have to go through the shop to find them, it's not categorized under alphabetical title names just new releases, AND they don't list the "coming soon" volumes like they used to :/ Blah.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:02 am
by EricTheFred
Actually, you can still find all You can rearrange how the listings are sorted by using the drop-down boxes at the top. You can 'Browse', 'Filter' or "Sort' to get the various functions you're looking for. For example, to get everything starting with 'P' (new or old) you go to 'Sort By' and select 'P'.

I think the old site was a little faster, but I haven't used the new site much yet, so that could be familiarity. The only things I dislike are that reviews I've written seem to have disappeared in the transfer, and that you don't have a page for the whole series any more, just for the individual volumes. Still, you could keep volume 1 bookmarked so you can revisit and see if new volumes show up in the links.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:43 am
by ChristianKitsune
I miss the old and original more newsworthy Tokyopop site. This is just a bit stupid...seriously. I miss it when it was just simple news, and whats giong on! It's really hard to find anything aboubt RSOM...grrr

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:33 pm
by uc pseudonym
Do you mean the old version of their Myspace-replica or the site before that? We had a thread concerning the change from the latter. This one has completely lost my interest and I hope I never need to find information from their website in the future.

ChristianKitsune wrote:It's really hard to find anything aboubt RSOM...grrr

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:36 pm
by Debitt
I really don't like the new otaku MySpace thing they've got going on now. =/ It took me forever and a half to find the page about when they were releasing the new volume of Tactics. I don't see why they felt the need to change it that drastically - the least they could do is separate the news and the MySpace wannabe.

...which reminds me, I should go back and wade through that mess again to see if they have dates for any new Tactics books. ;~;

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:07 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I meant the OLD website, not the stupid Myspace thingy...couldn't they make a seperate thing for that? I mean this is a PUBLISHING company...this is wierd. XD
oooh thaniks for the linkage, UC! much appreciated! ^^

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:10 pm
by Corkyspaniel
[color="Magenta"]I don't like the new site! T-T[/color]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:17 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
ChristianKitsune wrote:I meant the OLD website, not the stupid Myspace thingy...couldn't they make a seperate thing for that? I mean this is a PUBLISHING company...this is wierd. XD

No kidding, it's stupid. Not sure if they're trying to just promote the fanbase or what. I mean, it's already pretty big...