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Who's the most loved Organization XIII character?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:20 pm
by Arya Raiin
Well, who is you favorite Organization member?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:11 pm
by Hiryu
Roxas or Axel. They don't use one technique over and over again once their health is low,and this particular technique doesn't allow them to be hit. (Xaldin)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:54 pm
by Furen
Axel because he keeps coming back no matter how many times you beat him! (He's like a cockroach...)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:42 pm
by TGJesusfreak
Axel or Roxas.... he really does have aheart, even if they say he doesn't. [spoiler]since he was willing to give his life in KH2 that makes him have aheart wether it's physical or not. He gave HIMSELF a heart[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:54 pm
by Rocketshipper
Roxas. Not only my fave Organization member, but possibly my favorite character in KH period. After would probably be Marluxia. I like that name, and he looks like a pink haired Bakura, and has the coolest weapon of the organization. and the boss fight against him in Re:Chain of Memories is epic.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:16 am
by Sapphy
Axel or Roxas. Not that I've had a chance to play any of the games, so that really doesn't affect anything for me >.>

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:29 am
by Fish and Chips
The one who isn't a Mary Sue.[spoiler]Yep.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:36 am
by Nate
Even though I've never played Chain of Memories, I'm gonna go with Marluxia. She's totally hot!

And come on, Fish, you have to pick at least one.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:56 pm
by Ante Bellum

Marluxia is a dude.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:24 pm
by XIV_whisper
nate...not cool. that makes my vote for marluxia look odd.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:34 pm
by Nate
Ante Bellum wrote:Nate...?

Marluxia is a dude.

Pssh yeah right. That long pink hair? Definitely a female. And a hot one at that!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:46 pm
by Ante Bellum
Nope. He's a guy.
I won't judge.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:09 pm
by Furen
Fish and Chips (post: 1422995) wrote:The one who isn't a Mary Sue.[spoiler]Yep.[/spoiler]

Which would that one be? (Tvtropes time for me again I see)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:09 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
Nate (post: 1423073) wrote:Pssh yeah right. That long pink hair? Definitely a female. And a hot one at that!

Has pink flowers floating around her during a fight and heck, even the scythe is fashioned after a flower. TOTALLY a woman.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:20 pm
by Furen
Nate wrote:Pssh yeah right. That long pink hair? Definitely a female. And a hot one at that!

Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin (優]He[/b] controls flowers, and uses his control to command beams of destructive energy from flower-themed minions, bombard the opponent with flurries of petals, and to attack opponents with his massive scythe.

Sorry Nate it's right there

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:25 pm
by ScalpelFactory
I'm going to have to go with Saïx. Blue hair, and facial scar. But I don't play KH, and it's not going to be the most popular choice.

I'd have to say Axel or Demyx is likely the most loved, from outside opinion.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:02 pm
by Rocketshipper
are you guys just joking around? Or am I going to have to break out the Chain of Memories cutscenes with Marluxia obviously voiced by a male voice actor? ;):P

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:26 am
by Fish and Chips
Furen (post: 1423085) wrote:Which would that one be? (Tvtropes time for me again I see)
Don't think too long about it.[quote="Rocketshipper (post: 1423158)"]are you guys just joking around? Or am I going to have to break out the Chain of Memories cutscenes with Marluxia obviously voiced by a male voice actor? ]That doesn't really change anything. A number of male characters have been voiced by females, so conversely men can voice women.

Dr. Girlfriend is voiced by a man.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:20 am
by Davidizer13
Furen wrote:

Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin (優]He[/b] controls flowers, and uses his control to command beams of destructive energy from flower-themed minions, bombard the opponent with flurries of petals, and to attack opponents with his massive scythe.

Sorry Nate it's right there

I read that one of the members was supposed to be a girl, but got changed to a guy at the last minute - that's probably the one.

In other news, I'm trying to figure out what causes the levels of obsession with Kingdom Hearts we often see on the Internet. I mean, it might be a great series (I haven't really played them myself, but what they did to Setzer in KH2 is unforgiveable) with an eclectic cast of characters, but so is Super Robot Wars, and you don't see me splitting hairs over who's the most loved OG character. (Of course, there's not much debate to be had there -it's Sanger Zonvolt.) Sure, I know that KH is a lot more popular than SRW, but it's still seems to have a higher per-capita obsession.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:03 pm
by Nate
[quote="Rocketshipper"]Or am I going to have to break out the Chain of Memories cutscenes with Marluxia obviously voiced by a male voice actor? ]
On Sonic X, the maid Ella is voiced by Mike Pollock, who also plays Dr. Eggman in the same show.

Or are you saying Ella in Sonic X is a man?

Granny Goodness in the Superman cartoon was voiced by Ed Asner.

Or are you saying Granny Goodness is a man?

The fact Marluxia is voiced by a male means nothing. She is obviously female.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:53 pm
by Song_of_Storms
[font="Garamond"]Perhaps Nate cannot fathom a man possessing such beauty as Marluxia? Ah! Obviously Nate recognizes "women" with "attractiveness". For shame!
To quote the younger Mr. Knightly from Emma, "You are mistaken, as usual."
Marluxia is the very being of beauty, as he also chooses to surround himself with such. Of course, while you could write him off as an just another lovely face, he also is an interesting character.
Flowers are not just associated with women, by the way. Unless, of course, you are Saint Thérèse of Lisieux... in which case you are very much associated with flowers.

My personal favorite Organization member has always been Saix. The somewhat aloof second-in-command who wields a surprisingly potent temper? Wonderful! I also found his "death" to be among the most touching. -that and the fact I vanquished him with the Pooh Bear keyblade. [/font]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:40 pm
by Rocketshipper
Nate (post: 1423238) wrote:On Sonic X, the maid Ella is voiced by Mike Pollock, who also plays Dr. Eggman in the same show.

Or are you saying Ella in Sonic X is a man?

Granny Goodness in the Superman cartoon was voiced by Ed Asner.

Or are you saying Granny Goodness is a man?

The fact Marluxia is voiced by a male means nothing. She is obviously female.

voiced by a male just straight on...or voiced by a male putting on a comedic imitation of a female?? There's a difference.

Are you really serious?? Cause this isn't up for debate. Marluxia is a guy. period. Dialogue in the games refers to him as a He. supplemental material, and the instruction booklets reffer to him as a guy. the creators acknowledge he's a guy, that they changed his character to a guy because they didn;t want two female backstabbing type characters (the other being Larxene of course).

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:05 pm
by Nate
Rocketshipper wrote:voiced by a male just straight on...or voiced by a male putting on a comedic imitation of a female?? There's a difference.

Granny Goodness, voiced by Ed Asner, did not put on a comedic imitation of a female. Proof:
Marluxia is a guy. period.

Says who?
Dialogue in the games refers to him as a He.

Dialogue from Persona 4 referred to Naoto as a he. Naoto was female.
supplemental material, and the instruction booklets reffer to him as a guy.

All supplemental material, the RPG booklets, and episodes themselves of Sailor Moon in America refer to Zoisite as a female. But as we all know, Zoisite was a man.
the creators acknowledge he's a guy

Hideo Kojima acknowledged Liquid Snake was possessing Ocelot through the arm Ocelot had acquired before MGS4. However, when MGS4 came out, he totally took it back and it was all due to drug use. In other words, the creator changed his own story. Retconned it.

So as you can see, you have provided no evidence that Marluxia is a man. Marluxia is totally a hot, sexy lady.
Song_of_Storms wrote:Perhaps Nate cannot fathom a man possessing such beauty as Marluxia?

Nah, I admit men can be beautiful. Like Philip in that one episode of Kamen Rider W when he cross-dressed to trick the bad guy, he was beautiful. However, this does not apply to Marluxia, since she is clearly a woman. If she was a guy, I'd admit it. But she isn't.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:38 pm
by Rocketshipper
I have a response that I could give to you. But I'm still not totally convinced that I'm not just suddenly the butt of some joke by you and Ryu.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:35 am
by goldenspines
I am confused because the title says one thing and the opening post says another. :\

So, do I say which is the most loved Organization member (by most fans in general)? Or do I go with my favorite one?
They are two different choices. XD

PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:15 am
by Furen
goldenspines (post: 1423402) wrote:I am confused because the title says one thing and the opening post says another. :\

So, do I say which is the most loved Organization member (by most fans in general)? Or do I go with my favorite one?
They are two different choices. XD

Your favourite.