Anime Reviews ⇢ A Piece of Phantasmagoria
A Piece of Phantasmagoria
ファンタスマゴリア Fantasumagoria

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Brief Description:

A Piece of Phantasmagoria (or just, "Phantasmagoria" (1995)) is a little hidden treasure of whimsical animation and storytelling. In 15 episodes of 5 minutes, we get glimpses of different locations in the world of Phantasmagoria, a world of wonders and folly, each location more creatively unbound than the previous. There's not much of a plot besides the small, mostly nonsensical tales that the inhabitants of the lands tell, but elements or characters from other locations will appear or be mentioned often.

A Piece of Phantasmagoria is recommended for all ages and has no questionable content whatsoever. It is extremely difficult to find, but if you stumble upon it, do not miss it!
Added: May, 2012