Anime ReviewsContributors ⇢ J.D3
Contributor Report: J.D3

The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by J.D3. The links below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (Jump to title)
- Overall: 5
- Violence Rating: 7
- Nudity Rating: 2
- Theological Themes: 1
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Gun X Sword (Jump to title)
- Overall: 6
- Violence Rating: 6
- Nudity Rating: 7
- Theological Themes: 1
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Porco Rosso (Movie) (Jump to title)
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 2
- Nudity Rating: 1
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Review Overall, Porco Rosso is a pretty decent anime, and worth a look if you're into Studio Ghibli titles or just want something that is fairly easy to watch. It really doesn't have much in the way of objectionable content, and there is a theme of what real honour is, and redemption to a certain degree, as well. The artwork and animation in some of the aerial scenes is great considering the age of this title, and the mix of quirky characters - even the antagonists - makes for a good laugh every now and then too. Violence Details: This anime is all about airplanes and aerial 'dogfights', so there is some violence, but very low-level. Theological Themes Details: Porco's condition is referred to as a 'curse', though it is never really explained, and I really couldn't decide between a '2' or a '1' for this section as a result. There is also one scene where Porco recounts an event which could be interpreted as the 'afterlife', though it never really features in the plot again. Other Potentially Problematic Details: Porco and other characters are seen to be drinking at times, though none of the characters are ever seen to be drunk/disorderly. Porco also smokes a fair bit, so that may be problematic for some viewers too.
Star Ocean EX (Jump to title)
- Overall: 5
- Violence Rating: 3
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 4
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Review Violence / Gore Details (3/10): Sword-fighting and other weapons are a big part of the series, so there is violence, but largely low-level.

Nudity / Sexual Content (3/10): There are two instances throughout the series where we briefly see fanservice-y close ups of a female character's chest, plus this same character's attire could be considered to be a little on the skimpy side.
An older male character is seen to have strong affections for a much younger female character, though this remains completely platonic throughout the series.

Theological Themes Details (4/10): A number of characters are referred to as sorcerers and/or possess magical powers and are seen to recite incantations at various times.

Spoiler: The series occasionally features members from a group of beings called the 'Evil Ones' to which the creatures, Gyoro and Ururun, apparently belong to. It is never exactly clear what these beings are, though they sometimes have the term 'demon' applied in relation to them.

Other Potentially Problematic Details (2/10): Some mild to moderate course language.
Trigun (Jump to title)
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 5
- Nudity Rating: 2
- Theological Themes: 3
- Other Negative Themes: 4
Other activities: 1 records found.